Anthea Rowe

Communication expert and career champion.

About Anthea Rowe

Helping emerging and established leaders find the right words since 2003.

Anthea is an award-winning public relations professional with 20 years’ experience leading effective communications for leaders and organizations in the technology, manufacturing, and non-profit sectors.

Anthea is a trusted advisor to executives, board directors, functional managers, and high-potential employees. She has coached leaders to connect with employees, executive teams, media, and government stakeholders through corporate lawsuits, product failures, mergers and acquisitions, global expansions, restructuring, talent acquisition, and periods of fast growth.

Graduate Teaching and Corporate Training

Anthea has designed and taught corporate communication courses at the graduate and post-graduate levels, equipping established and emerging professionals with training, mentorship and career development tools.

She has designed and taught corporate training programs for companies and professional associations in technology, communications, and library administration.

She has been an invited speaker at industry associations, career development conferences, and HR professional development events and is regularly hired to develop internal training programs for effective communication.

Champion for Inclusion

Anthea is an advocate for equality at work, a champion for sustainability, and an active member, supporter and facilitator of workplace employee resource groups supporting LGBTQ+, racialized, and other under-represented employees at work.


Graduate Instructor, Masters in Journalism & Communication, Western University

Authorized Leadership Trainer, No Ceiling No Walls™

Certified Career Coach, Compassionate Leaders Circle

Founding Board Member, Emerging Leaders London

Indigenous Awareness Certificate in Consultation and Communication

Executive Education in Leadership Development, Ivey Business School